Work starts on £150m regeneration scheme
Posted by on 1 Feb 2021

Work to create a brand new link road at junction 19 of the M62 is officially underway, with contractor John Sisk & Son starting the build on site.
The project, one of the biggest regeneration schemes in the region, involves the construction of a brand new road to create a new access route from the M62 directly into the Heywood employment area off Pilsworth Road.
The new road is expected to support the creation of 1,000 new homes, a new primary school, and over 135,000m2 of employment space.
It is estimated that the project, being led by Rochdale Council and Rochdale Development Agency in conjunction with Russell Homes, will create around 2,800 FTE (full time equivalent) jobs. The overall development value of the scheme is estimated to be in the region of £150m.
Sisk, which was appointed in autumn last year, has already undertaken advanced preparatory works, with traffic management measures set to be introduced to enable the project to progress.
These measures include:
• The closure of Hareshill Road on Monday 8 February to through traffic. Access to the residential properties located on Hareshill Road will be from Manchester Road only. Access to the distribution centres on
Hareshill Road will continue to be from Pilsworth Road. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.
• The closure of one lane of the eastbound off-slip road at junction 19 of the M62 from 15 February until 30 November 2021.
• The installation of temporary 2-way traffic lights on Manchester Road next to Hareshill Road. These will be in place from 5 February to 16 September 2021 and will be phased to avoid full road closures.
• The installation of narrow lanes and temporary traffic lights on Pilsworth Road and Hareshill Road from 8 February 2021 to 10 January 2022.
The project has already attracted £22m of external funding, with support from Highways England, TfGM and the GMCA.
The milestone follows the announcement from Highways England that it has selected its preferred option for a major upgrade of the Simister Island junction following a public consultation last year, improving links between the M60, M62 and M66. Construction work is due to start by spring 2025. The changes will reduce congestion in the Heywood area and improve journey times for the borough’s residents and businesses.
Councillor Neil Emmott, cabinet member for Quality of Place at Rochdale Borough Council, said: “The new link road will bring huge long term benefits for residents and businesses. It will reroute HGV traffic away from Heywood town centre, as well as Birch and Bowlee, significantly reducing congestion in these residential areas, while making it quicker and easier for business to move their vehicles between the motorway and Heywood and Hareshill Distribution Parks.
“I’m pleased that work on this game changing project is now underway, with construction of the road set to be completed next year. And, with major improvements also planned for Simister Island, this is yet another boost to our borough’s abundant transport system.”
Nick Culshaw, Managing Director, UK Civils and Rail, John Sisk & Son said: “Sisk is delighted to begin works at at J19 of the M62 and be part of this major regeneration scheme. We look forward to working with all stakeholders and the local community of Heywood and surrounding areas to deliver the new link road.We see this project as an opportunity to create genuine social value through our support of SME’s, local job creation and support of local education.”