

Improvements already delivered

Along with Rochdale Borough Council and private sector partners, the RDA has already helped to deliver a wave of improvements to Middleton. They include:

The Middleton Townscape Heritage Initiative delivered improvement to historic buildings in Middleton Town Centre Conservation Area, in both public and private ownership in addition to investing in important green spaces such as Jubilee Park and the Old Burial Ground. Improvements being made to Long Street Methodist, 33, 51 and 53 Rochdale Road, Jubilee Library and Exedra in Jubilee Park.

Public realm and property improvement works including new paving on Long Street and Rochdale Road and property improvements on Long Street and Middleton Gardens have also been undertaken.

Further developments

A levelling up bid for a cultural hub at Middleton Arena and funding for creating a greener and more pedestrian and cycling friendly environment through the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement has been created and submitted.

A Town Centre Masterplan is to be adopted by Middleton Township later in the year.

Our full support

If you’re looking for managed office space or commercial property to let in Rochdale, Middleton or Heywood you have our full support. The RDA can help you find the perfect premises for your business, however large or small, leaving you free to get on with business.


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