Rochdale is turning up the music

Posted by on 12 Jul 2024

Image: Rochdale is turning up the music

Rochdale is going through a renaissance, this year the town saw the successful reopening of Rochdale Town Hall following a £20million investment; the borough is at the heart of industrial growth and innovation, leading the way in projects such as Atom Valley and The Centre of Expertise in Advanced Materials and Sustainability (CEAMS), but despite it being over four years since COVID-19 changed the world as we knew it, some sectors have recovered quickly, the hospitality sector continues to face significant challenges.

The RDA secured £69,262 from Arts Council England to establish and activate a Culture and Placemaking team with an objective to integrate the sector into the broader investment strategy, create a vibrant event calendar, and develop a place where people want to live, visit, and work.  With the goal of connecting and integrating the sector into the wider investment strategy and provide opportunities for those specifically working in the arts and creative industries. 

This initiative is not just about facilitating events, it goes deeper, pulling on Rochdale’s rich musical history and strengthening the local music scene.  The team will provide business support; training courses and skills training, work experience and placements to provide career pathways for children and young people, volunteering opportunities and a new network specifically for creatives will be formed. 

Providing this vital provision to local artists and creative organisations will build a vibrant revitalised music scene and put Rochdale firmly on the musical map.  Investing locally to ensure artists and creative professionals receive the support and opportunities typically found in larger cities like Manchester and London, enabling home grown talent to thrive without leaving the borough

Councillor Sue Smith, Portfolio Holder for Communities and Cooperation, stated, “This initiative is about future-proofing our creative sector, ensuring a skills pipeline, and creating career pathways to retain talent within the borough. We are excited to see the positive impact on our local economy and community.”

The borough’s halo event, the Rochdale Feel Good Festival, is an annual celebration of music, arts, and culture, showcasing local and national talent. This year, supported by the Culture and Placemaking team the festival will extend to a three-day event, to include a grassroots Feelgood Fringe Festival across ten venues with 17 bands on Friday night, and culminating in a free Feelgood Folk Festival on Sunday. Headlined by Ocean Colour Scene on Saturday August 10th, the festival’s expansion highlights Rochdale’s commitment to the sector, engaging local venues, and providing a platform for emerging artists.

Extending the festival to a weekend-long event enriches Rochdale’s cultural landscape, supports local businesses, and offers a platform for new artists. This extended program alone has the potential for substantial socio-economic impact, with an estimated audience of 8,000 over the weekend and a projected increase in visitor spending by £650,000.

Sound Roots, a Rochdale-based music organisation, will partner with the RDA to lead efforts in developing the music education offer, supporting career pathways, diversifying the local music scene, and raising Rochdale’s music profile. This partnership is vital in establishing the Venue & Promoters Network, delivering a skills program and music symposium, enhancing education and opportunities for children and young people through career pathways, and developing new platforms and audiences—all showcasing Rochdale’s passion, pride, talent, and northern hospitality.

In the coming months, the evolving event calendar will include a creative project with Sound Roots and Sean Cooney, focusing on Sam Bamford and the Peterloo Massacre. This project, supported by the Local Cultural Education Department, will result in an album recorded at Voltalab Sound Studio, planned for release in Spring 2025.

Committed to a proactive approach in supporting and developing Rochdale’s music and creative sectors, will enable them to become sustainable businesses and ultimately have a positive impact on the borough’s visitor economy and enhance the lives of those that live here.

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