FestiDale 2024!

Posted by on 24 May 2024

Image: FestiDale 2024!

The Royal Exchange theatre one of the UKs most significant theatre companies, has chosen Rochdale to be home for its Den, a beautiful mobile theatre supported by the Oglesby Charitable Trust.

The idea behind the Den is to take the Royal exchange out to towns around Greater Manchester. This year it’s the turn of Rochdale and its communities to enjoy and participate in the programme.

The Royal Exchange has announced The FestiDale, which has been named and curated by their Rochdale Community Champions. Hosted by Kingsway Park High School from Thursday 8th August to Sunday 18th August 2024, there’ll be something for everyone in this vibrant, captivating programme in the Royal Exchange’s eco-friendly mobile theatre which is open to everyone.

The Community Champions have been working with the Royal Exchange’s Local Exchange programme since 2023, and have programmed a festival full of exciting new voices and established names. The festival aims to connect and provide space to people from all over Rochdale and beyond showcasing local artists and opportunities.

One of the most exciting elements of this year’s programme is the headlining production Tales of the Dale, the team will be collecting hundreds of stories from far and wide across the borough of Rochdale, in community centres, hospices, libraries, sports centres, schools, clubs and other civic spaces. The stories will be woven together into a live audio experience and performed in the Den over three days, by professional actors and community members. 

These stories will be collected in person or gathered digitally by the Royal Exchange, so if you have a story to tell about Rochdale whether that be its undiscovered gems, your favourite spot, what a day-in-the-life looks like or the places that mean the most to you check out where and when you can meet the Story Collectors to share your stories in-person, or through the Royal Exchange website

Tales of the Dale would also like the people of Rochdale to perform, get involved in the creation and execution of the show and be part of this unique experience, with the opportunity to work alongside professional actors to bring these stories to life.  Minimal rehearsal is required, and you will learn all about stage craft. This opportunity is open to absolutely anyone in Rochdale over the age of 14 with no performing experience necessary, casting sessions will be from mid-July 2024 and performances on 15th – 17th August with rehearsal sessions within the weeks before.

You can express your interest via a short sign-up form on the website, where you will find all the details and dates once confirmed, here:  https://www.royalexchange.co.uk/project/rochdale-community-performers-call-out/.

The Royal Exchange has partnered with several organisations across the festival, including Rochdale Development Agency, Culture Coop, Kingsway Park High School and Your Trust, with Bridgewater Hall, Cartwheel Arts, M6 Theatre Company and Skylight Circus all contributing to the programme and its wraparound activity.

And there’s so much more to come, with the complete programme still to be announced!

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