MID Digital Solutions Sustainability Journey

Posted by on 31 May 2024

Image: MID Digital Solutions Sustainability Journey

Stakehill Industrial Estate is undergoing a transformative journey towards sustainability, driven by a consortium of stakeholders including Rochdale Development Agency, Stakehill Business Improvement District (BID), SSE Energy Solution, the Energy Innovation Agency, Rochdale Borough Council, the University of Manchester, and asset owners UBS.

Together, they are developing a Local Industrial Decarbonisation Plan (LIDP) aimed at enhancing the strategic longevity and competitiveness of businesses within the estate.

This initiative presents a remarkable opportunity for Stakehill businesses to engage in collaborative learning, leverage diverse expertise, and contribute to sustainable practices.

This case study provides an in-depth look at how Stakehill tenant MID Digital Solutions has implemented a range of sustainability solutions and the impact on their business.

MID Digital Solutions

MID Digital Solutions, a sister company of MID Communications, was established in 2021. In 2015 MID Communications began their sustainability journey by implementing a range of initiatives now led by MID Digital.

As the largest independent franchise of O2 in the North-West, they provide a range of services including mobile communications, cloud telephony, and internet connectivity to business customers in the region.

Sustainability Journey

With a clear vision to sustainably meeting their own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs, MID Digital are determined to reduce their carbon footprint through the following initiatives:

•     2015: MID Communications began their sustainability journey by transitioning to LED lighting across 16 sites, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced electricity consumption. They also implemented smart technology in stores to further reduce energy usage.

•     2016: Initiated device recycling programmes for non-business customers, ranking among the top three franchised programmes for recycled devices from 2017 to 2019. This option was extended to business customers in 2021, with each refurbished device saving 100-150g of carbon. Between 2018 to 2024 they have recycled over 20,000 devices!

•     2017: Introduced paperless operations in all stores and collaborated with Greater Manchester Transport to promote car sharing.

•     2017/2018: Achieved Silver Investors in Environment award and relocated to new offices in Stakehill, enabling better monitoring of energy consumption and increased use of natural light.

•     2019: Began replacing company cars with electric vehicles, completing the transition by 2022 – saving over £20,000 fuel costs annually.

•     2021: MID Digital took up the baton from MID Communications to continue their efforts by utilising government funding to install energy-efficient boilers at their head office and solar panels on the roof, further enhancing energy efficiency.

•     2021: Transitioned to a green energy supplier.

•     2021: Established sustainability officers within the company to ensure accountability and drive sustainability initiatives at the board level.

“We are incredibly proud of the changes we have made and the culture of sustainability we have created at MID Digital. Much more than a tick box, we are determined to continue to implement the right practices and processes for the benefit of our staff, community and environment.”

Danny Simpson, CEO, MID Digital Solutions

What’s next for MID Digital?

MID Digital is working towards B Corp Certification to uphold high standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency across various areas including charitable giving and supply chain practices. They have expanded their services to include green mobile solutions and utility services, providing competitive pricing and accessible options for their customers.

The company has also updated its branding to reflect its commitment to sustainability, incorporating a green shoot into its logo which will grow around the wording as their sustainability progress continues.

Get involved

MID Digital’s journey showcases the benefits and efficiency savings achievable through sustainability initiatives.

By participating in the LIDP, businesses can access valuable resources, forge partnerships, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

To learn more about how your involvement can benefit your business and contribute to the collective sustainability efforts of Stakehill Industrial Estate click here.

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