£10k of help available to businesses providing young people traineeships
Posted by on 8 Mar 2021

Photo © Engineer trainee Lenin Ndlovu, who has embarked on a traineeship
Businesses in Rochdale have been told there’s never been a better time to give young people a chance thanks to a new financial package of help on offer. Rochdale Training has secured extra funding to support 180 young people trainees in 2021 who have been hardest hit by Covid-19.
Mark Whittaker is a skills advisor with Rochdale Training and said employers can receive up to £10,000 for providing work placements for young people. He said: “We are supporting our young residents (typically aged16-24) into an apprenticeship via a stepping stone called a traineeship.
“This short 70-hour work placement gives our young residents an opportunity to get their foot on the career ladder or at least some meaningful experience for their CV. The Government is offering up to £10,000 to each employer who is prepared to support.”
Rochdale Training has already found 50 placements this year, including engineer trainee Lenin Ndlovu, and is currently working with 45 candidates who are looking for administration, customer service, engineering and manufacturing environments.
Whittaker said young people had been particularly badly impacted by the pandemic and the traineeship offered practical support to finding work. He said: “The placements allow trainees to add some experience to their CV, build up confidence and prepare them for the next step.
“Rochdale Training then support them into apprenticeship roles with employers throughout Greater Manchester. “Recent employment figures confirm young people were particularly hard hit by the impact of Covid-19. Youth unemployment has risen by more than 500,000 during 2020 alone and this is predicted to increase over the next five years.”
In return for offering the placements, employers benefit from some great social /community recognition and the Government will give £1,000 for every placement. This can rise to up £10,000 per employer.
“Rochdale’s businesses have been very supportive in offering apprenticeships to young people and we’re sure they’ll do the same by providing traineeships too,” said Whittaker.
The deadline is July 31st 2021 and if you can help contact Rochdale Training at 01706 631417 or email marketing@rochdaletraining.co.uk