Rochdale Metrolink

Excellent transport links are central to Rochdale’s prosperity, and a new state-of-the art interchange connects the town to the rest of Greater Manchester. Metrolink, Greater Manchester’s tram network, is at the heart of the Interchange, which also includes a modern, well connected bus station. Metrolink trams arrive in the middle of town every 12 minutes, connecting Rochdale seamlessly to neighbouring towns and central Manchester (and its airport) beyond.

A Modern Interchange

Rochdale Interchange is a bright, modern structure infused with natural light. Facilities include a travel shop, coffee shop and public toilets, and electronic departure boards provide real-time travel information. Buses from the Interchange cover much of Greater

Manchester and beyond, with regular services to Accrington, Burnley, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Todmorden and Rawtenstall.

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Featured Projects

Regeneration work is happening across our borough. Here are some of the most important projects…

Number One Riverside


The award-winning Number One Riverside is an impressive new home for council offices, the

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Town Hall


Rochdale Town Hall is widely-regarded as one of the UK’s finest examples of Victorian

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